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Friday 8 March 2013

Takarazuka Stage Studio: Stage make-up service

As I have written in one of my previous posts, at the Takarazuka Grand Theatre in Takarazuka city it is possible to have the stage make-up done, wear Takarazuka costumes and have pictures taken.

Ever since I found out about it, I have always wanted to try it out... and I finally have! :D

It's necessary to get an appointment to do it, so when I went to watch Ocean's 11 I made an appointment for last Sunday.

There are quite a lot of costumes you can pick from, it was really hard to choose.
I went for the Finale Tuxedo (the typical tuxedo otokoyaku wear at the end of shows, with huge feathers on the back). I picked that one because I wanted otokoyaku clothes and I also wanted it to be as typical as possible.
If I get the chance again, I would also like to try Oscar (the white version with the cape) and Elisabeth. It is really really expensive, though, so I guess I'll wait.
The price depends on the size of the printed pictures and on whether you want any extras (stickers, mobile phone straps...). The cheapest set for just one costume and make-up is 11000 yen.

On the website it says it takes about 2 hours, but I believe it took me about 1 hour and a half... but then I had to wait for half an hour in order to pick up the printed pictures.

First thing they ask you to pick a costume, since the make-up is different depending on it, and a background for the photos (plain, the big and famous Takarazuka Grand Theatre stairs...)
Then, you are asked to take your clothes off and wear a sort of wide skirt and strapless top before starting with the make-up.
The make-up takes quite a while, but it is really interesting to see how it's done. You sit in front of a big mirror while they do it, so you can see the process. At first I was worried because it seemed a bit off, but it looked right after a few layers. It's really thick and quite complicated. I could hardly recognise myself after they finished! The only thing I didn't really like about the make-up is that I believe they painted my eyebrows at different heights, which was a bit weird. But it was amasing over all.

Once the make-up's done, they help you put the clothes on. I don't know how it's possible, but the clothes are size-free and seem to fit everybody perfectly. I was quite worried because I'm rather big for Japanese standards (172cm tall, thick boned and far from skinny), but there was no problem at all.
Up close the clothes did look slightly worn out, but they looked just as they should in the pictures, which is what matters.

After that, it's time for the pictures to be taken. With my costume, I could pick two accessories between a couple of shan-shan (the objects that 'Ziennes usually hold during the finale, often made of flowers and ribbons), a sparkly stick and a big feather fan: one for the whole-body picture and one for the close-up photo.
The process of taking the photos was also quite long and very interesting. They give you very precise directions as how to stand and position yourself and even move your feet and hands around a bit until you are exactly in the right pose. They take quite a lot of photos, so I was actually starting to get cramps in my hands... hahaha

Anyway, once that's done, you are asked to put your own clothes back on and then you're given various types of make-up removers and give you the time to put your own make-up back on.
Before you take your make-up off they take some head shots with your own camera. I didn't know that so I didn't bring mine. They took pictures with my iPod, but of course the quality is not the same... pity...

Of course they play Takarazuka music all the time.
All the employees were extremely kind.
It was an awesome experience and I honestly can't wait to do it again!

When you pick up the photos (usually the sets include two pictures, a full body one and a close-up one) they also give you a point card with your own picture on it. You get one point for every 1000 yen you spend at the Stage Studio. Once you reach 25 points you get a free strap and there's another present when you get at 50 points, but I don't know what it is.
The point card does not expire, which is great.

I know it's expensive, but I highly recommend this experience. Not only because it's exciting to wear the costume and the make-up of a loved character, but also because you somehow get to understand a bit more of what happens in the backstage.

It is possible to make an appointment on the phone, on the internet and directly at the Stage Studio counter.

I'm posting some of my pictures so you get an idea of what it's like. ;)


  1. Gorgeous. You look great and your description is very accurate!

  2. looks great! I hope I'll be able to visit Japan someday and try this too! :D but can you do that without knowing much japanese? I'm thinking that since my language skills are like non-existent XD

    1. Thank you :D

      I think that it should be fine if you know very little Japanese (and maybe even no Japanese). The staff is really really kind and helpful, so I'm sure that they would do everything they can to make you understand. They may even have some employees who speak English, but I'm not sure about that. I can ask next time I go to Takarazuka, if you want ;)

      Before starting you have to sign a paper in which you declare whether you're pregnant/have allergies to make-up and such. They have that paper both in Japanese and English, so I guess that they do sometimes have customers who don't know Japanese.

      At any rate, I really advise you to give it a shot if you get the chance to! ;)

  3. Hi! I am from Italy, big zuka fan XXD
    I red some pages from your blog and really liked it. (I am also a big Ouki Kaname fan...) I am planning to go to Japan at end of april, and watch Yuki Berubara...But I am quite concerned for the ticket purchase issue. I registered to takarazuka online ticket site (and registration went ok), but I am afraid they cannot accept foreign cards. I do have a master card, which was accepted for sites like But never tried on hankyu site. Do you have some advise for me? Thanks!!!

    1. Don't worry: the website accepts foreign credit cards! :D Really, no need to worry about that, I have bought tickets using my foreign credit card before.

      Thank you so much for reading my blog :)

      P.S.: anche io sono italiana ;)

    2. Mariko Ciravegna13 March 2013 at 19:27

      Grande!!! THANKS for the risposta :D :D
      Di che parte dell'Italia sei?? Oddio che bello trovare delle altre fan oltre allo sparuto fan club italiano che ho creato su FB :)
      ...Hai la mia massima invidia per Ocean's 11 Hana -_- .

    3. :D
      Sono di Milano... tu?
      Anche a me fa piacere trovare delle compatriote fan del Takarazuka... è così difficile incontrarne!
      Ieri ho conosciuto un'altra fan italiana su fb e mi ha aggiunta al fanclub italiano, quindi adesso sto vedendo i vostri post ;)


  4. Omg It looks so fun! Your so lucky to experience this! I wish I could too~ ;o;

    If I ever go I'd dress up in Andres outfit or the Scarlet Pimpernel~<3

    It's such a shame to take the make-up off right after photos and hard work of application. I'd wear it out for the night or something lol

  5. Planning to go to Japan next year, how to best schedule appointment with stage studio for photo/makeup session? Can it be done on website and email for English speakers? Any advice on your experience very helpful! Thank you!
