This is Akatsuki Chisei (暁千星) and she's this year's Hatsumoude Poster Model.
Wondering what that is?
Every year the Hankyu corporation picks a couple of people who will go to the first visit to the shrine on behalf of the company and feature in a series of posters.
One of these people is always a Takarasienne who has debuted during the past year, usually the one who has graduated at the top of her class. The 'siennes who are chosen to be Hatsumoude Poster Model usually go on to have a brilliant career, e.g. Hanafusa Mari, Yuzuki Reon, Misaki Rion...
You can find a full list here.
These past weeks the Hankyu Railway stations walls are covered in these posters, and this picture also features on the front page of TOKK (a free information paper published by the Hankyu Hanshin Toho group).
Akatsuki Chisei debuted in Brilliant Days / Climax (Cosmos troupe) and was also featured in JIN / Gold Spark (Snow troupe).
She has not been assigned to a troupe yet (like all other Takarasiennes who graduated in 2012).
It's completely unrelated to Takarazuka, but it might be interesting: she is the daughter of a former pro baseball player (Yamauchi Kazuhiro).
I am looking forward to see how she improves and grows, and I wish her all the best for her Zuka career!
In TOKK was also featured an interview. I hope to get time to translate it soon :)