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Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Monday, 14 April 2014
Lately it’s been hard for me to keep
up with Takarazuka news...
Lousy internet connection, lots of
things to do, more changes in my life…
So it’s the centenary of Takrazuka
and yet I haven’t written anything on my blog! Shame on me! :P
A few of my friends are going to
Japan his year and will see some shows. I won’t even attempt to hide how
jealous I am ;)
Since I won’t be able to go there,
and I will miss a lot of awesome shows, I’ll just spend my time daydreaming.
I’ve come up with a little game. It’s

The rules are few and simple: it can
be any show (an already existing show or a movie/book/play you would love to
see on the Takarazuka stage) and the cast can include both current actresses
and OGs. Who cares if it’s impossible? It’s a dream anyway! I’m really curious
to see what you all come up with.
I’ve had to think a lot about my
dream show and dream cast. The problem is, it is difficult to choose a story I
love which also has enough important characters to feature all of my favourite
actresses in roles that would suit them. Jeez, I’ve thrown at you (and at
myself) a very difficult challenge!
My choice is TALES OF THE OTORI by Lian Hearn, one
of my absolute favourite books. If you haven’t read it, you must!!!
It’s a fiction set in a Japan-like country
during the war lords period, in which a young man with special skills and
powers is torn between two different lives. There is love, fights, power games
and all sorts of entertaining, breathtaking action. Excellent plot and
excellent characters.
You can find its Wikipedia page here
for more info on the story and characters.
My ideal cast would be as follows:
Otori Takeo – Ouki Kaname
Otori Shigeru – Wao Youka
Otori Ichiro – Kotobuki Tsukasa
Otori Shoichi – Hatsukaze Midori
Masahiro – Ema Naoki
Fumio – Harukaze Misato
Sadamu – Oozora Yuuhi
Daiichi – Yumi Hiro
Kaede – Misaki Rion
Naomi – Hanafusa Mari
Kenji – Suzukaze Mayo
Yuki – Reimi Urara
Shizuka – Nono Sumika
Kotaro – Shizuki Asato
Akio – Nozomi Futo
Shingen – Itsuki Chihiro
Makoto – Suzumi Shio
– Sena Jun
Fujiwara – Shibuki Jun
– Nanami Hiroki
It’s been so hard to pick! Especially
for the characters I don’t like… because I wanted actresses I like anyway.
Overall I am quite satisfied.
It will never happen, but it would
be awesome to see this show some day!
What about you? I’m really curious
about what sort of show and which actresses you would pick!
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Jeez... I’ve done it again! I’ve
abandoned my blog for months on end L
I always tell myself I need to find
time to write here, but it’s much harder than it seems. Actually I’ve been so
busy I’ve had very little time to watch Zuka – though I have watched some, of
At any rate, today I feel the urge
of recommending and praising a show which has bewitched me in the past couple
of months…
Please be warned: there might be
Puck was staged by the moon troupe
in ’92. The top star at the time was Suzukaze Mayo (whom I ranked 5th
in my previous post). Thanks to this show I have come to love Suzukaze Mayo
even more than I did before: her acting is so meticulous and at the same time
natural! Not to mention her incredible singing.
Anyway, back to the show.
Puck is loosely based on Shakespeare’s
A Midsummer Night Dream but the whole focus is on Puck, a cute but somehow
clumsy and mischevious fairy, and the way he interacts with a group of humans,
in particular a girl called Hermia. There are several sub-plots and interesting
characters, such as the king and queen of fairies or the rock-star-to-be Bobby played by Amami Yuki.
The show has both really funny and
really moving scenes and is particularly interesting because of the evolution
of the main character. At the beginning Puck is just a newborn fairy who knows
nothing of the world, innocent and perky. As the show goes on, Puck evolves
slowly but continuously, grows into awareness while going through different emotional
stages. Honestly, I think that playing such a character must be very difficult
and Suzukaze Mayo is so good! She honestly made my heart melt.
Amami Yuki is also really good in this funny role, she made me laugh really hard!
The show was also somehow really
original… let’s just mention a pair of roller skates and moving donkey ears!
This show is DEINITELY a must see!
I usually just post links to bits of shows, but I'll just go ahead and post the link to the full show this time.
I know that some people think this is not right, but here's what I think: if there had not been online videos I would not have become a Takarazuka fan and I would not have supported Takarazuka by going to the theatre and buying a bashful amount of goods XD
I know that some people think this is not right, but here's what I think: if there had not been online videos I would not have become a Takarazuka fan and I would not have supported Takarazuka by going to the theatre and buying a bashful amount of goods XD
So, here is the link to the show! Enjoy!
Thursday, 25 July 2013
General updates + My top 5 otokoyaku so far
It's been such a long time since I last wrote here!
I feel so sorry about abandoning my beloved blog for so long, but it's been a very complicated period for me, so full of life changing events.
I am really glad to see that some of you have visited the blog all the same, despite my absence, and I hope to be able to count on your support in the future as well.
While away from Takarazuka Pills I have kept on watching shows and reading news, so hopefully I will be inspired to write as frequently as I used to - there are so many topics I could write about!
So, even though my life is becoming busier, I truly hope to keep it up :)
Today I have decided to show my favourite 5 otokoyakus at the moment (ranking might change in the future!)
To be honest, it is hard to pick my favourite 5, but what is harder is to actually decide how to rank them
At any rate, here I go, starting from the 5th!
5. Suzukaze Mayo
The only reason why I ranked her 5th is that I have not watched enough stuff with her in order to rank her higher. As a matter of fact, I have only watched The Rose of Versialles 91 with her so far, but it was good enough for me to include her in my top 5.
And why is that?
Well, on top of being gorgeous, she has an incredible voice. Her singing is really good, listening to her I have realised how much singing standards have been dropping in Zuka lately.
Curious fact that makes me love her even more: her nickname is Kaname - yes, same name as my belove Ouki Kaname!
Here is an extract from The Rose of Versailles - Oscar '91. In this video you will also see Amami Yuki as André.
4. Sena Jun
Deciding between whether to rank her 4th or 3rd was really hard! Because I really like her a lot. But then I guess that the one I placed in 3rd position has something she doesn't.
At any rate, let's talk about Asa (Sena Jun)!
She acts well and she has good charisma. Her voice is easily recognisable and pleasant. I especially like her in funny, perky roles: her Bill in Me & My Girl was beyond awesome!
So here is an extract from it. Enjoy!
3. Shibuki Jun
I have only watched one show and one TCA Special with her so far... and yet, she's up in 3rd position!
That's because...: she has a lot of charisma, her voice is one of my favourites overall (probably equaled only by Wao Youka), she dances amasingly well and her acting is extremely moving.
On the other hand, she's not one of the best looking otokoyakus. I usually call her "the ugly but pretty one"... and that's an endearment. Why? Well, because if you look at her pictures, she usually doesn't look good. If you really take in her features... well, she's not that pretty. But when she acts she changes completely, she becomes so beautiful! And I think that that's one of the things which make a great actress.
The show I have seen her in is Seal of Roses, and it made me fall in love with her.
So here is an extract, I hope you'll love it as much as I did!
2. Ouki Kaname
Oh God, how it hurts me not to put Kaname first!
I had to think about it for a while, but then I realised that I could not give her the gold medal after all - just for a tenth of a point, though ;)
As those who are familiar with this blog already know, I basically worship her :P
Kaname is one of the most beautiful otokoyakus I have seen so far and on top of that she has some top notch acting skills. Her eyes are killers, her smile as well. She truly seems to be a natural. Another thing about her is her stage presence: she stands out so much! And that's really important for a top star, I believe.
The only not so positive thing about her I could say is that, though she sings well, her voice is not one of the best. To be honest, I like it the way it is, I think it has personality and feeling, but I realise that technically it's far from perfect.
I found out about her when watching Star troupe's Romeo & Juliet. Since then I have watched tons of shows with her, including The Legend of Galactic Heroes and Montecristo live.
She's made me cry, she's made me laugh and I love her unconditionally!
Here's a digest from Montecristo.
1. Wao Youka
After careful consideration, I decided that I really should assign the first place to the otokoyaku who made me fall in love with Takarazuka to begin with. I am not sure if I would be so much into Zuka if I had not seen Wao's Phantom as my first full show.
Honestly? I see no faults in her, at least none that is relevant. She is beautiful (maybe not as perfectly beautiful as Kaname, but still), she's a great actress, she has charisma and her voice is out of this world.
I have seen most of her shows and I liked 99% of what I have seen. There's something about her that simply caught my heart.
Maybe if I had to describe her with just one adjective, that would be POWERFUL. Powerful voice, powerful acting, powerful stage presence and powerful personality. Hanafusa Mari and her were the golden combi, such a perfect combi that I wonder when we shall see one like that again.
So here's the first scene from the first full show I ever watched, the show which made me fall for Zuka and to which I owe the fact that I am here, writing on this blog at night even though I have work tomorrow and I am dead tired XD ... I hope you appreciate!
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Phantom 2004 (Cosmos) GIF
While browsing through my laptop I found this gif I made about two years ago.
It's from one of my favourite scenes in Phantom.
Wao's acting is stunning. I believe that Phantom is her best performance ever and it's close to perfection... so close to perfection I'd say it's perfect! XD
If you haven't watched her version of Phantom yet, you absolutely must!
cosmos troupe,
Hanafusa Mari,
wao youka
Thursday, 25 April 2013
HOME 私の夢が叶う場所 Lyrics
Tonight I can't seem to get sleepy and a song keeps on ringing in my ears. I had been thinking that I should translate some lyrics for a while, but then I never did. Tonight I decided that I would.
The song is HOME The Place Where My Dream Comes True, from the show Phantom.
It's the first full show I have ever watched so I am particularly attached to it.
The music is awesome and this song is just adorable.
Hopefully I've done a decent job, but if it's not satisfactory please forgive me ;)
So... here it is!
いつも待っていた 心の中では
夢に手が届く その時を
パパは言っていた その場所に来れば
I'm Home この舞台なの
美しい音楽が溢れ 私を包むの
空の彼方に届くように 想いを込めて
私は歌うわ ここで
Dream 描き続けた夢も
いつも待っていた 暗闇の中で
天使が囁く その時を
今 聞こえるあの声
夜ごと探し求めた 幻の声だ
安らぎ感じる 何故か
Dream 描き続けた(My Dream 描き続けた)
夢も(My Dream 夢も)
Itsumo matteita kokoro no naka de wa
yume ni te ga todoku sono toki wo
papa wa itteita sono basho ni kureba
mune no tokimeki ga takanaru to
I'm home kono butai nano
utsukushii ongaku ga afure watashi wo tsutsumu no
sora no kanata ni todoku youni omoi wo komete
watashi wa utau wa koko de
Sutekina okesutora ga kanaderu nara
mahou no sekai ga hirogaru
aria wo kikeba kanjirareru wa
kono yo ni umareta yorokobi to shiawase mo
Dream egakitsuzuketa yume mo
itsuka negai ga kanau to wakaru no
kono butai de itsu no hi ka utau no yo
kitto kanau hazu yo
yume wa
Itsumo matteita kurayami no naka de
tenshi ga sasayaku sono toki wo
ima kikoeru ano koe
yogoto sagashimotometa maboroshi no koe da
kokoro no naka ni omoide ga sotto yomigaeru
yasuragi kanjiru nazeka
Kono ko wa dare darou?
Boku dake ni utau
nohara ni saku na mo nai hana no youni
boku ni naraba dekiru darou
kanojo wo karen de sutekina buuke ni kaeru
Dream egakitsuzuketa (My Dream egakitsuzuke)
yume mo (My Dream yume mo)
itsuka negai ga kanau to wakaru sa (itsuka negai ga kanau to wakaru no)
kono butai de
itsu no hi ka utau no da (itsu no hi ka utau no yo)
kitto kanau hazu sa (kitto kanau hazu yo)
yume wa
Within my heart I had always been waiting
for that moment when my hands would reach my dream
dad always said that if I came to that place
my chest would beat fast
I'm home, this is the stage
overflowing with music, it engulfs me
as if reaching beyond the sky, enveloped by emotions
I sing, right here
If a wonderful orchestra plays
the world of magic broadens
if I hear an aria, I can feel
the joy and happiness of being born in this world
Dream, I know that some day
my wishes will come true, and the dream I've kept on painting too
someday I will sing on this stage
that dream
is definitely going to come true
I have always been waiting in the darkness
for that moment when an angel would whisper
now, I can hear that voice
it's the illusory voice I looked for nightly
in my heart memories are gently awoken
somehow, I feel peace
Who is this girl?
Like a nameless flower blooming in a field,
she sings just for me
if it's me, then I probably can
change her into a lovely and gorgeous bouquet
Dream, I know that some day
my wishes will come true, and the dream I've kept on painting too
someday I will sing on this stage
that dream
is definitely going to come true
Note: I didn't translate the bits in the brackets simply because they have the same meaning as the sentences coming before them. The only reason why they have been added in the JP lyrics is because at that point Eric and Christine sing at the same time with some slight differences in the wording. But trust me, the meaning is the same ;)
I hope that this is of some help :D
I will probably translate some other lyrics later on!
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Takarazuka Pills' debut on Twitter!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Takarazuka Pills' Twitter has been created! :D
If you have a twitter account, please follow!
Here's the link:
I hope that by having both the blog and the Twitter account Takarazuka Pills will be able to grow further and to give a better service :)
If you have any suggestions for the future, please let me know!
Thank you so much for your support!
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